Mira Rusnak paper flowers mural dahlia

FFF – Mira Rusnak paper flowers and festivals

August 26, 2016

Happy Fun, Free Friday lovelies!

Mira Rusnak paper flowers

I’ve always been a fan of paper art (Jeff Nishinaka creates some amazing 3-d pieces).  I made large paper pansies and a few other paper flowers for my daughter’s first birthday party.  I was delighted to find Mira Rusnak’s Etsy shop full of her paper art creations.  Mira Rusnak paper flowers come in the most vibrant colors and shapes.  I love how she has created a variety of permanent blooms from roses to dahlias and chrysanthemums.  She puts them together into flower walls, beautiful guest books, and statement art. These would be such lovely gifts or addition to home decor.
Mira Rusnak paper flowers blue Mira Rusnak paper flowers mural dahlia

Mira Rusnak paper flowers mural rose wall with child reading Mira Rusnak paper flowers flower wall Mira Rusnak paper flowers guest book

Otherwise this weekend I am…

…going to a night festival to see a few exhibits. A few different museums and institutions have come together to create different installations that come alive at night from light shows on a museum facade to markets celebrating small artisans.  It may be a bit crowded, but hopefully we see a few fun exhibitions!

What are you doing this weekend?

Have a lovely weekend!

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  • Dale Janée (@Savvy_Spice) August 26, 2016 at 13:07

    Ooh I love this art and it reminds me of the flower designs they have on the walls of sugarfina actually. I wish I was DIY enough to do something like this too so I definitely need to check out your daughter’s bday post next. 🙂

    We are visiting my inlaws IN EU this week so I’m having fun relaxing. 🙂


  • A Very Sweet Blog August 29, 2016 at 17:32

    These are absolutely gorgeous! I’ve always been a fan of paper flower and paper art in general. Love the colors.

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