Oatmeal remedies to soothe and moisturize skin by little luxury list

Natural Beauty DIY: 3 easy Oatmeal remedies to soothe and moisturize your skin

July 30, 2015

I eat oatmeal a lot.

This is because I force my husband to eat oatmeal almost every day to lower his cholesterol.  Also, if we are eating something starchy, I would rather we ingest a carb that at least has more health benefits.  I was looking into natural skin remedies recently and came up with a list of natural ingredients in your kitchen that may soothe summer/sunburned skin.  Oats or oatmeal stood out to me because they are pretty versatile.  They do a variety of wonders for skincare including moisturize, exfoliate, and soothe skin.  Colloidal oatmeal (which is basically ground up oats) are also widely available in a lot of existing skincare products.  Aveeno baby eczema therapy cream is the only lotion that really helps my baby’s skin (poor little one gets a lot of red, dry patches) and yep, it has colloidal oatmeal!  I wondered what other oatmeal remedies were available and how they could help skin.  Here are a few easy ways to get the benefits of oatmeal:

Oatmeal remedies to soothe and moisturize skin by little luxury list

Easy oatmeal remedies for your skin

1. Grind up a cup of oats in a food processor (or use instant oatmeal!).  Wrap oatmeal in cheesecloth and put it into warm bathwater for a nice soak.  The polysaccharides in oats become gelatinous in water and leave a protective layer on the skin.

2. Grind up 1/2 cup of oats and in 3 cups of warm water.  Soak a clean cloth in the liquid to use as a compress.  Reapply with more water every 2 hours.

3. 1/4 cup of oats with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and apply on your face or body.  Leave on for 10 minutes and wipe or rinse off thoroughly to both cleanse and moisturize your skin.

Benefit Rundown

  • Oats are full of natural, moisturizing fats
  • Oats soothe the skin and reduce redness
  • Oats are high in antioxidants and and anti-inflammatory properties
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  • KizzyDoll July 30, 2015 at 09:25

    I need to do something like this…my skin has gotten dry and itchy all of a sudden, this would be soothing!! I love oatmeal too :))) Happy Thursday my dear xx

  • Kim of A Very Sweet Blog July 30, 2015 at 10:20

    I LOVE OATMEAL also! My grandmother always gave it to me as a child and it’s carried over into adulthood. I haven’t tried Steel Cut though. I love the benefits of it. Great post!

  • cat eyes & skinny jeans July 31, 2015 at 08:53

    My mom is like the oatmeal queen – she always has it in the house. I need to swipe some to try out these skin remedies!


  • Rowena @ rolala loves July 31, 2015 at 10:37

    Oats are an incredible skin saver. I took countless oatmeal baths when I broke out in hives from an allergic reaction once.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  • ellesees.blogspot.com August 3, 2015 at 07:55

    i swear by oatmeal!! it really is soothing.

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