FFF – Ocean Art Underwater

January 17, 2020

Happy Fun, Free, Friday lovelies!

It is truly a magical world underwater. I very excitedly got my PADI open water certification years ago during grad school. I’ve gone scuba diving only once since then. I do vow to actually dive again soon because I really enjoyed it. In the meantime, I will marvel at the winning shots in the Ocean Art Underwater contest. It would be wonderful to get to take photos like these someday!

Otherwise, this weekend I am…

…working on this blog after a little hiatus. It was nice to take an unexpected and much-needed holiday break. I wondered if it would be a longer term break, but felt the need to share and connect again here. We’ll also have the usual flurry of classes and I’ll take my little lady to a trip with her troop to the Gardens by the Bay. She hasn’t been there in a few months so it should be a nice weekend treat.

What are you up to this weekend?

Have a lovely weekend!

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  • Rowena @ rolala loves January 19, 2020 at 10:40

    These are stunning. I used to do some post production work for a photographer who specialized in underwater photographer and she did this most amazing series of dancers . It was like visual poetry.

    • little luxury list January 21, 2020 at 22:01

      Visual poetry – it sounds beautiful!

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