I love, love, love handbags. I have everything from Coach to Banana Republic to vintage Chanel handbags. But now I want to focus on both substance and style in my future handbag purchases. I’ve decided that my next few handbags will be cross-body bags.
They are not only stylish, but functional as well. They are hands-free, won’t slip off your shoulder (so helpful for my small shoulders), and distribute weight more evenly making them great for everyone from students to styling moms. Everyone should have at least one cross-body bag and I am currently coveting the watermelon colored Alexa or J. W. Hulme bag (reminds me of my mom’s vintage Coach bags) and the Alexis Hudson bag for work.
Here are my top cross-body bag picks:
Marc by Marc Jacobs Classic Q Natasha leather cross body bag, Net-a-Porter, $350
Stone Mountain Roadster Mini E/W Cross-body bag, Endless.com, $62
Kristin patent hippie, Coach, $258
Botkier Charlotte Satchel, Zappos.com, $431.25 (ret. $575)
Mulberry Watermelon Alexa (GORGEOUS color), My-wardrobe.com, $1,263.90
Alexis Hudson Rita, Shopbop, $437.50 (ret.$625)
J. W. Hulme Legacy bag, Barney’s NY, $249 (ret. $410)
– Shopbop occasionally has deals where you get a discount off purchases at certain thresholds (e.g. $150 off $750 or $500 off $1500).
– Coach has preferred customer sales throughout the year. I know I’ve gotten a few things for 20-25% off!
– Shopbop and Barney’s NY sales are on now!
– All sites mentioned also have sales so keep on e-stalking the bag of your choice!
the mulberry cross body bag is my fave! hope you find the perfect one.
Um, how much does that Alexis Hudson Rita need to be mine?
I realllly need a new awesome black bag, I really like the choices you gave! going to investigate further…
My favorites are the Hulme legacy and the Botkier!! Have a fab day!
I’m in the market for a good crossbody!!
i love cross body bags too! I only have one right now but it’s pretty small – i’d like to make a new acquisition!
also, how long are you around?? I’d definitely love to meet up! shoot me an email ms(dot)verymarried(at)gmail(dot)com
i think that Mulberry bag is calling me. nice options!
Crossbodys are awesome. I’ve been lusting after the Alexa of course
The Botkier is also fabulous!
These are splendid!! I am loving that Mulberry bag…*sigh* someday!!!
My friend Miss D has the Marc Jacobs bag you posted – I love it! She uses it all the time. Good luck stalking the sales!
Cross body bags are really great and Im loving the first one. Totally going to check it out! Muah, sweetie
I so want all these bags!! Thank you for your lovely comment, happy thursday xx
Those are all pretty gorgeous.
Love the bags! I just sold my old cross-body bag, so it’s definitely time to get a new one!
I am in LOVE with the marc Jacobs bag! What is it about his bags? Every single one I’ve ever seen, I absolutely adore. So classic and across the body? Yes please!!
Great picks!!! I am addicted to cross body bags too!!!
♡ from © tanvii.com
love the botkier and i love the MJ. i want it in a bright colour!
Love the Alexa bag!
I use mine ALL the time! It’s definitely a must for busy mamas!
i love crossbody bags too!! they make life so much simpler
i’m loving that MJ classic Q bag!
great choices. i still have a black cross body bag that i purchased in Italy when i lived there. i love it and the flexibility it affords me. would love one in colour too:-)
Love the Botkier and Mulberry!! This style is very handy indeed!!
cross bodies are great – it’s always so nice to get to be hands free!
that watermelon mulberry is so juicy… i’m in love.
Chic on the Cheap
the Alexa and the Marc Jacobs are my favourite.
Love the Alexa! The colour is really nice like you said
So good for summer!
http://www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3
I am so beyond obsessed with the crossbody bag!
I love the cross body bags! I saw the Marc Jacobs one in a pale powder blue at Holt’s very cute! I have a new one myself (not Marc Jacobs) which I hope to be posting about soon.
Much love,
love that mulberry bag !
the color is sooooo nice !
http://www.glisters and blisters.com
I don’t particularly like cross-body bags, but I would love to take those satchels!
ohh all the bags you posted makes me want to definitely go out and get a new one! lolol this is what i get when i go bloghopping and spot super duper pretty things.