Revlon Just bitten lip stain front by Chic n Cheap Living

Target Gift Card Winner and Beauty Product Review: Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Lip balm stain and Just Bitten lipstain

December 3, 2013

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First off, congratulations to…

Melissa B!

Please email me at cncliving{@} within 3 days and  let me know if you’d prefer the Target gift card electronically or via postal mail.  Remember that the Sephora gift card giveaway is still going on here!


Do you ever see a product on someone else and go “Wow, I definitely have to try that!”

A friend was wearing Revlon lip balm stain and have such a nice, bold, yet somewhat light shade on her lips.  I noticed that she applied it a few times and it seemed easy to use and provided great coverage.  She told me that she adores Revlon Just Bitten lip stains and has several different kinds in her makeup bag at all times.

Revlon Just bitten lip stain front by Chic n Cheap LivingRevlon Just Bitten lip stain side by Chic n Cheap Living So I definitely made it a point to look through the different Revlon Just Bitten lip stains when I was at a pharmacy.  I was slightly confused by the similar names of the different products (after all they both were “Just Bitten”), but I wasn’t sure which product my friend owned.  I also just wanted to test out the products and compare them.  I was pretty satisfied with both of the products and they are definitely different.  The lip balm stain is basically a chunky, but moisturizing lip pencil while the lip stain is a separate lip balm and lip stain. I wished the lip stain was a bit more bold, but did find the separate balm to be useful.
Revlon Just Bitten balm front by Chic n Cheap Living Revlon Just Bitten balm side by Chic n Cheap Living

Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Lip Balm Stain


– Yes, this is a really convenient product


– Good saturation and staying pose


– It could last longer


– $6.49

Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain-saved by Chic n Cheap LivingRevlon Just Bitten Balm Stain, Target, $6.49

Revlon Just Bitten Lipstain


– Yes (with reservation), I like the convenience of just using one product or the other


– I liked having that each product didn’t feel heavy


– Lip stain itself could be more pigmented


– $6.49

Revlon Just Bitten Lip Stain - saved by Chic n Cheap LivingRevlon Just Bitten Lipstain, Target, $6.49

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  • elle sees December 3, 2013 at 07:01

    the balm stain is one of my faves. i’ve mentioned and reviewed it several times, so it must be good. plus i own way too many of them! 😉

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living December 3, 2013 at 10:23

      Elle, I can see why you own a few of the balm stains! They are really convenient and come in great colors. You are definitely one of the people who enabled me to look into this product as well! It is worth it!

  • Kizzy @ The Dainty Dolls House December 3, 2013 at 08:42

    Hello lovely…it looks great on you, but I can understand your con for it, it should have a little more pigment, but I do like it on you. It’s a very sweet colour. You look marvellous xx

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living December 3, 2013 at 10:24

      Thanks you sweetie! I do love the colors of the Revlon lip stain, but the balm stain is better and the saturation is lovely. I do love picking up a sweet color or two!

  • Krysten December 3, 2013 at 11:35

    I did not like the lipstain (it’s really difficult to apply IMO) but I may like to try the balm.

  • Heather December 3, 2013 at 13:10

    Sounds great! I’d love to try the Lip Balm Stain.

  • lyddiegal December 3, 2013 at 15:10

    I’ve tried a stain before, and while I did like the long lasting power, I found it to be a bit drying, plus it needed an additional glossy top coat, which was sometimes annoying to have to remember.

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living December 3, 2013 at 20:07

      Lydia, agreed that a stain can be a bit more difficult – it’s basically a dark liquid that is on your lips right? I like the Revlon lip balm stain because it is creamier and almost a lipstick/lip pencil combo, though lighter in application.

  • Kim of A Very Sweet Blog December 3, 2013 at 18:44

    Congratulations to the winner! The color is gorgeous on you! Thanks for telling us the difference. I definitely need pigmentation when it comes to color.

  • Akaleistar December 3, 2013 at 20:00

    Beautiful color!

  • MOSAMUSE December 3, 2013 at 21:21

    looks beautiful!

  • Johanna December 3, 2013 at 22:03

    This is one of my favorite drugstore finds. Lasts all day!

  • Coco December 5, 2013 at 01:00

    I have already told you that you have perfect lips dear! That aside, I live glossy looking lipsticks, even though they don’t last as long as matte lipsticks. Have a lovely day hun!
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