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Winter can be a brutal beast.
So how do you get through the long winter months?
1. Embrace the weather
Ok it’s freezing and there has been snow out there for more days than you can count. But it’s also the only time you can wear your thickest sweater and crank up the heat while munching on a favorite snack. I love watching fresh snow fall and looking at the different shapes of snowflakes as they catch on my gloves. It’s of course the only time of year when you can go skiing/snowboarding/sledding with real snow on the ground (I miss skiing, it has been too long!)
2. Wear what you want regardless of the weather
I’ve never been brave enough to become a member of the polar bear club (i.e. rushing into freezing water in my bikini!) But I do remember throwing my coat to the side and going out for a night on the town with only a tank top and jeans (coat checks were so annoying and I was much more willing to freeze back then!) If you can handle it and want to wear it, just do it.
3. Sip on something comforting from a cool mug
What is your favorite cold weather drink? I definitely go for a really nice, rich hot chocolate. I of course loved Swiss Miss as a child, but any chocolate melted in warm milk with a generous topping of mini marshmallows is great! I also adore chamomiles teas which are a favorite, soothing drink for winter. It is extra fun when you can sip a warm drink from a fun mug. I saw these while browsing through Shopbop (use code BIGEVENT15 to get up to 25% off EVERYTHING, except Stuart Weitzman) and thought they were just adorable! Seriously, seeing these cute mugs inspired this post and had me think about what items could get me out of a winter funk.
Jonathan Adler Utopia Cat Mug, Shopbop, $32
Peter Ibruegger Michael Thomas Mug, Shopbop, $25
If you’d rather go out, catch up with a few friends for a few drinks and commiserate together (if they serve mulled wine – bonus!)
4. Hit the elliptical machine/spinning class
It’s a bummer being stuck inside. But sitting around the whole time will only make you more bummed out. Why not get those endorphins going, bring your seratonin levels up, and go for a nice stroll on the elliptical machine? I still haven’t tried Soulcycle, but hear it can be quite addictive. I also like lifting free weights to some catchy pop tunes (Ke$ha is on the playlist, gym music has to be super catchy and a little ridiculous)
5. Catch up on a few flicks
Ok it’s cold and dark outside. What can you do? Well winter is basically one very long plane ride – it may be impossible to go outside, but at least you can watch a few movies you hadn’t seen previously. This year’s Oscar nominees are a good place to start!
6. Escape or plan an escape
I finally got a good friend from NYC to visit SE Asia a few weeks ago and she was thrilled. She wasn’t prepared for the heat in Bangkok, but loved exploring the sites in the busy city, eating lots of authentic Thai curries, and shopping her heart out (she saw cork bags similar to ones she was going to buy at the Brooklyn Flea and was super happy to get them at a third of the price!) This list of 52 places to visit in 2015 is a great start. I’m hoping to get to Danang, Vietnam this year as featured on the list and am thinking about the serene beaches already!
These are marvellous tips!! I’ve been doing the wear what I want one, it’s helped quite a bit really :))) Bright colours instead of greys and dark ones!! I hope you are having a great week so far doll
I love how you are wearing whatever you want now Kizzy! Gray weather doesn’t mean we have to be bundled up in gray clothing right? I hope you are having a lovely week too!
i;m all for a good mug! you had me there. luckily the weather isn’t too bad in atlanta. even the winter cold doesn’t bother me. as long as i’m inside.
That Utopia Cat Mug though…so obsessed right now!
I like to wear bright nail polish, it always cheers me up!
Nice list, I know that I have several favourite coffee mugs, and tea cups that I love to use during the colder weather. It makes me feel better too! <3 /Madison
February Moments
I actually haven’t minded staying in this winter since I’ve been quite productive at home but I sure am glad that spring is just a few weeks away and the sun sets later every day.
I am so ready to escape….Need to see new things.
I love those mugs. Nothing like a fun mug. Exercising does help!
I am so ready for winter to end, but I do love a reason to drink hot chocolate. I’m sure the hot chocolate would taste even better in that adorable, cat mug
Great tips! Next year, I am definitely planning a winter escape vacation.