Sarah Brannon for Elle France February 2020

May 11, 2020

“Beauty is whatever gives joy.”

Edna St. Vincent Millay

What beautiful things have given you joy lately? I saw this editorial of Sarah Brannon for Elle France February 2020 and thought of Paris as well as the joy I get from seeing architecture like this. I relish seeing beauty whenever I travel. Whenever we traveled, I would inevitably take dozens of pictures of beautiful balconies, cobblestoned streets, or the pastel colors of the sunset over the Arabian Sea. I got such energy from being in a different environment and experiencing, if only temporarily, how others lived, in their corners of the world. Of course, nowadays the opportunities for travel are non-existent. Like everyone else, I was certainly feeling the effects of isolation and really itching to just get out.

Luckily, I have tentative hope that the quarantine like conditions will be eased here. I’m also content in seeing beauty around me, even if it’s on the way to pick up some food! I’m also fortunate to see beautiful examples of heritage architecture here when I pass by beautiful shophouses (see my Instagram for a few favorites!) There is truly beauty all around us and I am happy to be able to find it when I can. I’ve seen the chaos and wonder of wild flowers and fire ants. I’ve also gotten to examine delicate painted tiles from shophouses up close. The colors of different leaves catch my eye when I pass by.

I’m not sure when I will be able to see those far-flung destinations on my bucket list. Of course I’d love to visit my family in NY again too. But I can’t control when I’ll be able to travel again. I am embracing and appreciating what I have – my loved ones, video calls, and the privilege to be able to be at home now. In the meantime, I’ll be exploring the beautiful sights around supermarkets and parks!

Have a lovely week and stay safe!

P.S. I’m on a new theme and still working out some kinks – bear with me!

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  • Lena L May 12, 2020 at 09:54

    Ooh, I love the new look of your blog! How are you doing? I know you and your loved ones are well seeing your pretty Instagram posts but wanted to check it anyway. Have a good rest of the week and stay well! 🙂

  • Mica May 12, 2020 at 18:15

    I like the new blog layout! I also really like that last outfit, with the mustard, it’s great! 🙂 lovely editorial 🙂 We weren’t big travellers, even before kids, so we aren’t missing far off destinations but we have been missing our family. Now the restrictions are relaxed though it’s been nice to see them again – we went on a picnic with my sister on the weekend which was wonderful!

    Hope your week is off to a good start 🙂 It’s a busy week here with the kids back at school!

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