Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.
Elle Italia October 2011
Isn’t it funny how we can be our own harshest critics? Â I remember staring at myself in some pictures (or perhaps my little belly) and thinking enough is enough. Â I had steadily been gaining weight over the last year or two (not much because I am petite by nature) and just gotten generally lazy. Â Even though my lovely brother poked my non-toned arms and I realized that I couldn’t fit certain dresses any more, I didn’t mind. Â I wasn’t overweight by any means, but I was eating way too many potato chips (especially when living in London – the English can make a mean crisp) and not exercising at all. Â I was buying bigger clothing while shrinking into the background.
My husband also didn’t love his own image when he looked at pictures. Â We both decided to do something about it and started making healthier lifestyle changes. Â Morning workouts have become routine and huge portions of vegetables/low portions of meat and starches make up our diet (if any, we follow low sugar/low carb most of the week). Â It has started to make a difference both physically and mentally. Â I’m starting to fit my old clothing again and more importantly, I feel good about myself.
I don’t think it is healthy at all to try to look like a waif if your body is not meant to be that size. Â But I do know that you should be happy with yourself and how you look according to your body type. Â I realized that I was using food as a bit of a shield or to give myself a sense of comfort in some unstable times in the last few years. Â I didn’t want to let my happiness be ruled by food. Â I still have the occasional ice cream or burger, but I don’t have to have it all the time. Â Most importantly, I know that the lifestyle choices I make now effect me later. Â I’ve learned to have fun with healthy eating.
Be happy with the person that is reflected in pictures – I know I am!
Have a lovely week!
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Good message. We should all embrace what God gave us.
You have the right attitude on burgers and ice cream. Once in awhile is fine. Healthy eating though in itself is kind of addictive. You get hooked on clean eating after awhile .. .
Fantastic message, so right!! We need to love ourselves and accept who we are and what we look like because we are Beautiful!! xx
love this!! i try and follow and low carb diet too but the holidays (and the general traveling) have thrown that completely out the window!
This is a great post! I’ve never been skinny, but this summer I hit my all-time high in terms of weight. I felt uncomfortable in my skin, and it was making me unhappy in my life. My husband encouraged me to make some changes, and I’m feeling so much better already – down 10 pounds, loving our new quasi-vegan diet and feeling more energetic. I’m still not skinny, but I feel good, and that’s what matters 🙂
Love what you’re saying here. So true about being our own worst critics. I think we need to learn to be comfortable in our own skins and that health is not something to be taken for granted. Have a great week!
I am totally my harshest critic. I can be downright ruthless on myself for no reason at all. Perfection is never attainable, and I don’t know why everyone strives to reach it. It’s impossible, so we should be happy with what we have.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
i need to start walking around with a frame! those photos are so cool. and you have a great message to go along with it.
Great post! I’ve felt the same way and am trying hard to start living a healthier lifestyle again, like I did a couple years ago. So far, I’m still struggling, but at least I’m trying!
wonderful post. I am the exact same way. about a year ago, I was by no means overweight but I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable in my own skin. I knew that I was getting to the point of where i needed to make changes and when I did, it helped me out tremendously. And like you, my husband was feeling the same way so it’s nice when the two of you are on the same page and can do it together. Making small lifestyle changes in your diet can help so much! I’m slipping a little because of the holidays but definitely will get back to it once the holidays are over!
you are so right…if you aren’t loving how you feel or how you see yourself then it’s time to start making a change. Being happy with yourself and who you are is most important! x
Inspiring post. 🙂 I’ve been trying to lose weight for the past year or so. But stress always makes me crave unhealthy snacks. So it has been incredibly tricky. I’m just now realizing I need to combat the stress before I can focus on my weight….
Great post!! Congrats on making healthier changes-the hubby and I have also made changes for the better and we love how it makes us feel physically and emotionally! xo
Love the concept of these photos, very gorgeous editorial. I can copy it too. 🙂
I think that’s wonderful how you two are working together. I need to get my act together also.
I actually wish I did have more discipline, finding it hard to fit in exercise and great healthy cooking at times.
These photos are fabulous though, and inspiring:)
you are doing so well!!!! i love food way too much, and it shows. it isn’t worth it to eat everything you want and suffer from it physically and/or psychologically. i am eating less meat, eating way more veggies and stuff like quinoa, and trying to cut back and my starchy and sugary friends. exercising more helps a lot, too. and seeing results is always the best! 🙂
This is a great post. I’m slowly learning to be alright with my body weight and it takes a lot of acceptance. 🙂 My body has fluctuated differently throughout the years so I’m slowly learning 😀
Definitely a very good message.
Great post!
i haaaaate how i look, which is why i rarely post photos or wanna be in them
Fantastic message…love who your are and be happy with yourself. These photos are amazing.
Great message. I constantly look at my body and flaws everyday. I by no means is fat but sometimes looking at bloggers pictures daily you sometimes feel fat.
I am often so terrible to myself – critical, harsh. If it was someone else thinking or saying these things to me I would call them an a-hole and not even bother talking to them…so why do I do it to myself? thanks for reminding me to be better to myself and love myself more. x
I feel the best shape to be in is the one where you feel the healthiest. Who can tell you what the best shape is for you, but yourself?
Excellent post! It’s wonderful that you feel good about yourself! Confidence and embracing our own skin, runs(deeper and)further than what anyone can tell us about ourselves. Good message: rock what you have; “Be happy!” xo 🙂
Beautiful pictures. I love ice creams too. I love coconut bliss…which is great for people who want a healthier version of ice-cream. Here is the link if you want tot ry it 🙂
Great message and I agree. I think we all have ups and downs but it’s nice to be able to look at your reflection and appreciate and just be thankful!
Such a great message – I agree, you should be satisfied with your body for your own happiness and nobody else’s. Hope you had a great holiday 🙂
oh, what an amazing idea with the frame – looks great! got a new follower now!
all the best from stockholm,
xx mika
Agreed! Being a waif isn’t in the cards for 98% of us…and that’s ok!
Inspiring post! I find it really funny how so many of the most popular bloggers are waif-thin, despite our belief that blogging is for “the rest of us”. Anyways, I totally agree that we should eat to be happy and attain our healthy weight, but I do wonder just what is a healthy weight? It seems to differ between nations?