Lady Gaga in US Vogue October 2018 - black lace dress

Lady Gaga in US Vogue October 2018

October 15, 2018

“I allow myself to fail. I allow myself to break. I’m not afraid of my flaws.”

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga in US Vogue October 2018 - black bandana Lady Gaga in US Vogue October 2018 - black lace dress

Lady Gaga in US Vogue October 2018 - black lace dress Lady Gaga in US Vogue October 2018 - cap Lady Gaga in US Vogue October 2018 - tube dress Lady Gaga in US Vogue October 2018 - white and black top Lady Gaga in US Vogue October 2018 -bathtub

How do you take your failures? I was struck by this uncharacteristic and minimalist editorial of Lady Gaga in US Vogue October 2018. But I was even more struck by her quote.  I’m not great at allowing myself to fail very well.  In fact, I used to beat myself up for not making a target or goal.  When this happened, I would feel bad and sometimes it would be very hard to pick myself up again.  I would be weighed down by the failure.  It was not pretty.

Luckily, something changed.  I do forgive myself a bit more now.  Sometimes things just aren’t perfect.  I’m trying to learn from the incidents where I can do something to change the situation myself.  I’m also learning to let go in those situations where I couldn’t do anything anyway.  Parenthood has certainly taught me to let go a little more easily. It can be pretty difficult to have everything go smoothly with kids in tow! I don’t like failing or breaking.  But sometimes I just do anyway.  What matters is that I keep going after my failures.

Have a lovely week!

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  • Rowena October 15, 2018 at 11:59

    Failure is bound to happen at some point in all of our lives and if we can learn and grow from them then they will only serve to make us stronger.

  • Shireen L. Platt October 15, 2018 at 12:26

    I still kick myself if I don’t achieve the results that I want to but as I grew older, I am slightly more forgiving…or at least I think so.

  • Anouk October 16, 2018 at 12:50

    A true artist. Love her work.


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