I was on a reading binge a few weeks ago – Joyce Carol Oates, Stephanie Meyer…
But these were all library books though my shelves are overflowing with other books. One of my best friends loves treating herself to books. I even got her a Barnes & Noble membership one year and a gift card to feed her habit.
But in looking at book related accessories, I realized these could double as great wedding accessories as well.
Are you including your pet in the wedding or want to include a note for your Out of Towners? How about some cute notepads?These bookmarks could also be great escort card clips for a garden wedding (I envision them attached to ribbon)
These booklets are great for gifts for the littlest (or biggest) guests and could be a great part of a package to your friends. They’re a great vintage glam type of item.Aahhh, I love pretty little things…
Love the kittens! Obsessed with kittens!