marckushner-5 Ark Nova in Matsushima, Japan.

FFF/Fun Finds – Marc Kushner The Future of architecture in 100 buildingsand wedding celebrations

August 14, 2015

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Happy Fun, Free Friday lovelies!

Fun Finds

I loved looking through the buildings in this summary of some of the most stunning examples of architecture.  Marc Kushner featured some beautiful examples of unique architecture throughout the world in his book “The Future of Architecture in 100 Buildings” and I had to share these finds.  Will the buildings of tomorrow really look like these buildings? I wish I had the ability to design building in this way.  While I lack that, I do appreciate interesting architecture and hope to visit a few of them some day!

Here are some favorites:

Tverrfjellhytta reindeer pavilion in Hjerkinn, Norway

marckushner-1Tverrfjellhytta reindeer pavilion in Hjerkinn, Norway.

Seville Spain Metropol parasol

marckushner-2 Seville Spain Metropol parasol

Alcabideche Portugal Social complex for the elderly
marckushner-3 Alcabideche Portugal Social complex for the elderlyArk Nova in Matsushima, Japan.

marckushner-5 Ark Nova in Matsushima, Japan.


Beijing CCTV

marckushner-6 Beijing CCTV

MoMA PS1, Queens, New York

marckushner-7 Wendy MoMA PS1

Batumi Georgia gas station and McDonalds

marckushner-8 Batumi Georgia gas station and McDonalds

Mapungubwe Interpretation center

marckushner-9Mapungubwe Interpretation center

Otherwise this weekend I am…

…celebrating a family wedding.  It’s been an exhausting leadup to the wedding with our travel between Asia and the US and our almost 5 hour trips back and forth between NYC and upstate NY.  But I’ve loved the craziness of seeing little ones playing together and a sweet 7 year-old hugging and playing with my little baby girl.  I’ll be busy prepping but also ready to have fun!

What are you doing this weekend?

Have a fabulous weekend!

little luxury list

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  • FASHION TALES August 14, 2015 at 13:03

    I’m constantly influenced by architecture. These are incredible! Wonderful and innovative design. Happy weekend, and enjoy the family celebrations. /Madison
    Corner Décor

  • Akaleistar August 15, 2015 at 22:09

    Those buildings are so cool! Hope you have fun at the wedding 🙂

  • Kim of A Very Sweet Blog August 18, 2015 at 13:14

    His architecture is stunning! I would love to see these in person.

  • cat eyes & skinny jeans August 19, 2015 at 08:36

    Ooh the Reindeer Pavilion in Norway is pure perfection!


  • Stacey August 20, 2015 at 10:45

    I am a big fan of architecture and always swoon over great details. These are remarkable! Have a great weekend and i loved the bags you shared in the prior post xx

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