
FFF/Art Highlight – Modified fruit photography and last goodbyes

September 25, 2015

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Happy Fun, Free Friday lovelies!

Art Highlight

It’s always interesting to see something familiar in an unexpected way.  I had seen some of Andy Warhol’s famous pieces this past weekend (I captured a few favorites on my Instagram here) and am generally drawn to brighter upbeat works of art.  I was certainly happy to chance upon Enrico Becker’s work.  His modified fruit photography depicts fruits in the most beautiful and unexpected tints. He paints fruits the most lovely shades of bright pastels and metallic shades.  How chic is the metallic mango right?

Here are a few favorites:

enrico-1-900x849 enrico-3-900x1350

enrico-4-900x1325 enrico-5-900x1350 enrico-6-900x1350 enrico-7-900x1350

Otherwise this weekend I am…

…unfortunately heading to a funeral.  I have a family member that has suffered for a long time now from a few medical conditions which were unfortunately compounded this month by complications and a long stint in the ICU.  While I am of course saddened that a life is gone, I am also relieved that the pain and suffering from a severely diminished quality of life has also disappeared.  It’s been quite a few weeks and I really would just love time to breathe.

What are you doing this weekend?

Have a fabulous weekend!

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  • Kim of A Very Sweet Blog September 29, 2015 at 13:32

    I am so sorry to hear about your family member. Prayers for you. I love the way they make people look at fruit differently.

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