Aiclay miniature food sculptures bread basket

FFF – Aiclay miniature food sculptures and the slow move

March 31, 2017

Happy Fun, Free Friday lovelies!

Aiclay miniature food sculptures

The best things come in small packages right? I love miniature things and Aiclay takes miniatures to a whole new level. Singaporean based artist Jocelyn creates the most detailed and lovely tiny sculptures. These delightful little bites are truly bite-sized and contain such beautiful details. I love her “Aiclay” packaging as well. She holds workshops and teaches others to create these lovely little creations.

Aiclay miniature food sculptures bread basket Aiclay miniature food sculptures carrot cake

Aiclay miniature food sculptures coffee Aiclay miniature food sculptures cookies in oven Aiclay miniature food sculptures gingerbread man Aiclay miniature food sculptures lunar new year treats Aiclay miniature food sculptures pancakes Aiclay miniature food sculptures pudding

Otherwise, this weekend I am…

…slowly cleaning out our new place in preparation for our move in a few weeks.  We have painters coming in and a new bed so it’s really happening! It will be a slow and gradual move which hopefully makes everything a little easier. We are also taking the little one to see “Peter Rabbit” for her birthday so it should be fun!

What are you up to this weekend?

Have a lovely weekend!

little luxury list

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  • KizzyDoll March 31, 2017 at 04:31

    oh my days, i love these so much, ha!! cuuuuute!! happy weekend doll x

  • FASHION TALES March 31, 2017 at 16:51

    This is fantastic! I am a bit obsessed with miniatures! I’ve seen artwork in miniature form like this but the “coffee” and little oven is the cutest! Enjoy the weekend with family. xx

  • Akaleistar March 31, 2017 at 21:04

    I love tiny things, and tiny food is the cutest!

  • cat eyes & skinny jeans April 1, 2017 at 08:57

    Ooh these are too adorable – I want them all!

    Have fun at Peter Rabbit!


  • Shireen L. Platt April 1, 2017 at 10:49

    Whoa, that is such a remarkable talent. I can’t believe the attention to details at such miniculous structure!

  • Lena L April 2, 2017 at 10:21

    These are so beautiful!

    Hope everything goes well with your move. I don’t have any immediate plan to move but want something fresh and new around here for the new season! Wish you a great week. 🙂

  • A Very Sweet Blog April 5, 2017 at 12:16

    I love miniature everything! Have you heard of miniature doll houses? The fancy ones! That would be a great project for you and your daughter. It’s an expensive hobby but so rewarding. I knew this lady who had many houses and she would display them on the top floor of her home. They had electrical lighting and everything. So gorgeous! I would but I wouldn’t have anyone to show them to. LOL

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