Happy Fun, free Friday lovelies!
Have you visited Australia? I’m hoping to go year end and stroll along a few beaches and hopefully visit one of the naturally pink lakes as well. Australia has such beautiful bodies of water and John Dean has captured wonderful shots above the beaches of Sydney. These pictures really make me appreciate the magic and majesty of the water!

Otherwise, this weekend I am…
…starting a week of celebrations for the little lady! We will privately celebrate this weekend. I will start making the base for a few cake pops for next week’s party and let her have a few of course. I’ll also make the frosting for her cupcakes for school on Monday. Since I’m taking gluten free cupcakes (without almond flour), I have to get up reallllly early Monday to make them. But her schoolmates’ favor bags are prepped and we can knock out a few more things this weekend. So much to do, but at least we will be attending a little carnival with the kids this weekend and will still have fun!
What are you up to this weekend?
Have a lovely weekend!B
bEAUTIFUL. nO DOUBT Sydney harbors some of the world’s most beautiful warm sandy beaches.