Fashion Highlight: Kate Spade New York / JACK SPADE ♥ GapKids

October 30, 2014

Kids have it good these days.

They have books that talk back to them.  They get to befriend and instantly talk to friends across the globe.  They are using those little fingers to speedily take and share photographs with their friends.

Now they also get more and more designer duds with the launch of Kate Spade New York ♥ GapKids today.

Kate Spade GapKids girls outfit

Even if I didn’t have a little girl (err who can’t even fit the toddler size now for this collection), I love to browse these designer collaborations for gift ideas for the little girls in my life who can appreciate a pair of bow print skinny jeans.

Here are a few favorite picks from the collection:

Kate Spade New York ♥ GapKids bow wool coat

Kate Spade New York ♥ GapKids bow wool coat, Gap, $109.95

JACK SPADE ♥ GapKids hotdog scarf

JACK SPADE ♥ GapKids hotdog scarf, Gap, $24.95  (seriously a hot dog scarf…dying of cuteness overload)

 Kate Spade ♥ GapKids dot tights

Kate Spade ♥ GapKids dot tights, Gap, $9.95

Kate Spade New York ♥ GapKids bow print skinny jeans

Kate Spade New York ♥ GapKids bow print skinny jeans, Gap, $44.95

Kate Spade New York ♥ GapKids phone case

Kate Spade New York ♥ GapKids phone case, Gap, $40 (for me!)

Would you get a few of these pieces for the kids in your life?  Or would you say “Get a job first dear and buy your own Kate Spade!”

little luxury list

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  • October 30, 2014 at 09:15

    love these and kinda want them for myself, hehe. esp the scarf!

    • little luxury list October 30, 2014 at 21:26

      Seriously, the hot dog scarf is too adorable! Maybe the little ladies that you care for might like it too!

  • Rowena @ rolala loves October 30, 2014 at 10:57

    This collection seriously adorable! That hot dog scarf is too cute!

    It would be lovely if we could meet up in Tokyo for gyoza and sushi. I so need to plan a trip to Asia. I just dread that long flight.

    • little luxury list October 30, 2014 at 21:33

      The flight isn’t too bad (but then again I’m now used to insanely long flights). I bet you would have such a lovely time there Rowena. The style, sites, and foods are really wonderful! But for foodies like us, it really is heaven. I had sushi every day and loved it. One of my favorite meals was actually in a department store basement! The gyoza was divine! Anyway, I hope I convinced you to make the trip 😉

  • Heather October 30, 2014 at 11:53

    What great items! I love all of them.

  • Kim of A Very Sweet Blog October 30, 2014 at 23:54

    That has to be the cutest outfit! Kids are so stylish nowadays. Where was this kind of stuff when I was growing up? LMAO

  • Lyddiegal November 1, 2014 at 09:55

    It’s collections like these that make me wish I had a little girl to buy for! And of course my new nephew will barely be three months by christmas, so it’s sort of killing me that I’m missing out on this collection!

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