FFF – Black artists on Instagram

July 3, 2020

Happy Fun, Free, Friday lovelies! I’m always happy to discover new artists and designers. Also I gotta give it to anyone that makes a living through their art – it’s a tough gig! But I also want to continue sharing…

FFF – Whimsical Moths

January 24, 2020

Happy Fun, Free, Friday lovelies! Animated illustrations are utterly charming, aren’t they? They aren’t exactly cartoons, but more than simple illustrations as well. Vlad Stankovic created a collection, “Piccalilli Moths”, which features sparkling moths moving along with other insects, mushrooms,…

FFF – Fabric art by Bisa Butler

December 6, 2019

Happy Fun, Free, Friday lovelies! I’m endlessly fascinated by art and its many mediums. I saw this fabric art by Bisa Butler and was also entranced by the subjects as well as emotions captured. Bisa Butler uses fiber art and…

FFF – Colorful pasta via the Pasta Ninja

November 29, 2019

Happy Fun, Free Friday lovelies! Colorful pasta via the Pasta Ninja So I’ve been low carb on and off the last few years.  I wanted to concentrate on meat and vegetables while also foregoing the undesirable bloating from carbs.  But…

FFF – Visions in Motion

November 15, 2019

Happy Fun, Free, Friday lovelies! It’s wonderful to see how are can transform a place. Patrick Shearn and his team at Poetic Kinetics created a massive installation covering 20,000 square feet and made up of 120,000 fabric streamers at the…

FFF – Pumpkin Geek Reusable pumpkins

November 8, 2019

Happy Fun, Free, Friday lovelies! Why have a carved pumpkin that’s only limited to Halloween? Or why not use the same one year after year? I’ve always found this aspect of Halloween fascinating. It’s cute to carve pumpkins, but they…

FFF – Perfect night skies

October 25, 2019

Happy Fun, Free, Friday lovelies! Starry, starry nights are some of the most beautiful ones aren’t they? I could only see clear, night skies distinctly when traveling (city girl here and all those apartment lights don’t make for good stargazing!)….

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