Cake topper options – do you need them for your wedding cake?

December 15, 2009

Who knew that there is a cake topper for just about every couple these days? Β The level of customization is as high as you’re willing to pay.Β  Even the NY Times has written about the possibilities today.Β  It definitely got me thinking since I never did one for my ice cream cake for the NY reception,Β  but was intrigued for the Taiwan reception.

You can get simple shapes like these that can still show the details of your dress or your husband’s goatee and glasses from Fancie Fannie’s Etsy shop (at $20 too which is pretty great).

Or adorable clay ones likes these from AV Artwork that can show tons of details (and even additional loved ones like the black puppy below, price TBD).

Or fall for these super cute handmade chicks if you’re willing to pay $130.Β  They are really adorable of course.
But do you need cake toppers?
Like any other discretionary item, it’s up to you.Β  On the one hand, it’s a lovely memento from the wedding and could be in your family for years.Β  It would be a lovely registry item and how cute if a friend or loved one got it for you.Β  On the other hand, hmm, do you really need it or could you have put that money toward something else?

I was inspired by my blogger buddy Honey my Heart and her Hello Kitty cake toppers.

She is that cool.
I think she said she got them at Urban Outfitters and they were salt and pepper shakers.Β  How cool and totally reusable at home!

So I present our cake toppers we’ll have on our cake in Taiwan.Β  I didn’t really set out to buy cake toppers but I loved the practicality of being able to actually use them (after all our studio doesn’t have a lot of room for non-essentials).Β  I might put a little veil on one if I have time.

What do you think?Β  Are you a cake topper person?

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  • Mo December 15, 2009 at 18:11

    Well, you already know my cake topper saga, but oh em gee–I have those same exact salt and pepper shakers!!! They are too cute. it’s going to look great on the cake.

  • Marie December 15, 2009 at 18:29

    Love them! I had monkey’s on my cake. One with a veil. Which I felt was much more reflective of us than two little people. Your cake toppers are awesome though.

  • PartyPlannerGal December 15, 2009 at 18:30

    I am a cake topper person! I splurged on a pair of Sweethearts from Ann Wood – it was my first wedding purchase. I just fell in love with them and couldn’t resist. I agree that they are unnecessary, especially since we aren’t having a formal wedding cake, but I really do love them!

  • missy. December 15, 2009 at 19:26

    haha those are awesome!

  • anna and the ring December 15, 2009 at 19:37

    Eek! I love the salt and pepper! We got a set when we got engaged!

  • Dream Sequins December 15, 2009 at 21:36

    Those cake toppers are so adorable. I wish I had thought about adding a custom touch to our wedding cake, which was rather plain and white!

  • honey my heart December 15, 2009 at 22:03

    ahhh!! soooo cute! love your toppers/shakers πŸ™‚ and hooray for dual purposes! thanks for mentioning my toppers.

  • Kelley at My Island Wedding December 15, 2009 at 22:14

    these birdie ones are too sweet!!!

  • Lindsey M Nelson December 15, 2009 at 22:21

    For my wedding, I could have cared less about the cake. It was yummy and people ate it. That was all that mattered to me. We had a destination wedding in Vegas, so we skipped all non-essentials. Now that we’ve been married five years and have two kids and a small apartment, I am thankful not to have another sentimental knick-knack hanging around gathering dust that I would feel bad getting rid of πŸ™‚ Like the idea of the salt/pepper shakers, though!

  • Hanako66 December 16, 2009 at 00:00

    so cute! my husband had bought me a lladro cake topper as an engagement gift, i loved it, but it was too heavy for our cake, so i used roses and placed it next to it!

  • Elizabeth Marie December 16, 2009 at 00:26

    I don’t think I’m a cake topper person. But I’m also not engaged so ask me later. hahaha. They are so cute though!!

    Bahrain?! SO AWESOME to get a comment from there. I hope you are safe and sound and resting!

  • Lisa Marie December 16, 2009 at 01:33

    We did not have cake toppers. Our wedding cake was a stack of Tiffany’s boxes and the top was basically a big white fondant ribbon. It was three boxes stacked. It was so lovely and we were very pleased. I think toppers really depends on the style of cake. We created our cake design and toppers just would not have worked.

  • THE ALTERNATIVE BRIDE December 16, 2009 at 02:19

    i really wasn’t a cake topper person but after seeing Honey’s and now yours, I’m sold. And i love how u can use them after!

  • vitaMinn style December 16, 2009 at 02:28

    My topper was a bouquet of flowers made of fondant! It actually turned out nice and it looked so real.

    I intended to save it but forgot in the middle of all the chaos!! Looking back now, I should have just picked a traditional topper, it would have been easier to store! =)

    Your topper choice is cute and practical, good choice!! =)

  • Jessica December 16, 2009 at 03:25

    I go back and forth on cake toppers. Sometimes I find them slightly tacky – other times I think they’re charming. All of these: charming. The first ones always make me swoon.

  • onelittledove December 16, 2009 at 03:27

    i love the ones you picked out. unexpected but so sweet. πŸ™‚

  • Shop N' Chomp December 16, 2009 at 04:45

    Aw, so cute! πŸ™‚ Ours was a Chinese word.

  • nicole December 16, 2009 at 11:27

    I like the idea of cake toppers because it seems traditional, but I do like how ppl are updating the tradition by using unconventional cake toppers like the baby chicks, Hello Kitty and OMG I love your cake toppers especially! Simple, monochromatic, and it has meaning. I love it. You’ll def have to take pics of your entire cake with them on top of it!

  • LENORENEVERMORE December 16, 2009 at 12:31

    The chicks made me go “awww…”
    How about just getting the initials done in ice sculpture! Get a huge one & light from below for some drama! Fab no?!

  • Miss T December 21, 2009 at 04:36

    They are really cute. And it’s nice that you can have them on your table after and they are practical. We bought a vintage bride and groom off of ebay – I just love them.

  • Liv Lundelius December 22, 2009 at 14:53

    I dont’t like cake toppers, but I LOVE your choice!
    I have seen this salt and pepper set before and
    was really close to buy it. its really cool , and
    I wouldn’t mind having those guys standing on top of my cake.

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