resort peach dress UK Harpers Bazaar April 2012-saved by Chic n Cheap Living

Breaking down sunscreen: What is SPF and how to protect yourself from the sun

July 16, 2013

Is a sunscreen with SPF 75 the best sunscreen out there?

I was browsing through the latest sunscreens in the drugstore and was fascinated by the high numbers on sunscreen tubes these days.  SPF 100?  Seriously, if this is out, why should I buy anything else?

It made me want to really investigate what SPF means and I wanted to share this information with my other sunburn prone friends (and anyone else who wants to know all about SPF!)

SPF primer:

SPF or sun protection factor measures how well a product can protect from UVB rays, not UVA and UVB rays.  So if a sunscreen has SPF 20, it has a protection factor that is 20 times than the normal time it will take your skin to burn.  E.g. if it takes your skin 10 minutes to burn in the sun, a SPF 20 sunscreen will now protect your sun for 20 times longer or 200 minutes. (Source)

resort peach dress UK Harpers Bazaar April 2012-saved by Chic n Cheap Living


What’s the difference between UVA and UVB rays?

UVA rays are the rays that most of us are exposed to daily and account for 95% of the UV radiation that reach us.  They are less intense than UVB rays, but 30-50 times more prevalent.  These rays can cause loss of elasticity in the skin which can lead to visible aging aka wrinkly, skin.  Studies now show that they may also damage cells in the base layer of the epidermis, where skin cancer occurs (Source).

UVB rays are the intense rays that most doctors tell you to avoid from 10 am to 2 pm.  These rays will damage the superficial layers of the skin, resulting not only in sunburn, but can also lead to the development of skin cancer.  Seriously, this makes me want to cover myself in a tarp next time I step outside!

But, a sunscreen with high SPF doesn’t mean it will actually protect you that much more one with a lower SPF.

SPF (Sun Protection Factor) scale doesn’t increase on a linear basis:

  • SPF 15 blocks 93% of UVB rays
  • SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB rays
  • SPF 50 blocks 98% of UVB rays

Now that you know the facts, what can you do?

1. Avoid the sun during peak hours!

If you can get your morning coffee before 10 am and try to stay indoors during lunch, you will avoid those intense UVB rays.

2. Slather on the sunscreen

Get a good broad spectrum sunscreen (look at the label to determine if it will cover UVA rays as well) and reapply every few hours that you are exposed to sunlight or after you swam or hit the gym. La Roche Posay is one of the few brands on the market that protect against UVA rays so I pay the extra bucks for it.

3. Wear clothing that covers

Retailers from Uniqlo to the GAP now make clothing that supposedly block up to 90% of UV rays.  But if you are outside and want to wear clothing that protects against the sun, simply look for a long sleeve shirt with a tight weave. Top it off with a fun fedora.

Splendid miami stripe tee - saved by Chic n Cheap LivingSplendid Miami stripe long sleeve tee, Shopbop, $25-$58 (from $84)

Arden B Metallic woven fedora - saved by Chic n Cheap Living

Metallic woven fedora, Arden B, $19.50

How else do you protect against the sun?

little luxury list

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  • KizzyDoll July 16, 2013 at 05:46

    Sunscreen is a must. Even though I have tanned skin already, I still wear sunscreen when I go out. I don’t want to increase my chances of skin cancer or wrinkles. It’s just not worth i just to have tan skin, get a good fake tanner to put on, haha!! Super post. I hope you are doing well doll 🙂 Xxx

  • Emma (fluff and fripperies) July 16, 2013 at 07:06

    Cool post – there is a lot of misunderstanding about SPF I think xo

  • Sam July 16, 2013 at 09:02

    Hi dear, thanks for all this excellent and vital information about sunscreen, I am quite obsessive about using. I always used a 100SPF dermatological brand but then they stopped making it here in SA, but I know its still available in other countries. Works really well.

  • Kim of A Very Sweet Blog July 16, 2013 at 10:20

    THANK YOU for explaining this! I think everyone always goes for the higher number and they don’t know WHY! HaHaHa It’s so important to know the difference between UVA and UVB. Great post.

  • Diana Mieczan July 16, 2013 at 12:29

    Those are such a great tips and facts. As for me, sunscreen and a sun-hat are a must. I wear them both all the time. Have a beautiful day,s weetie.

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living July 16, 2013 at 22:09

      You are reminding me I must wear my hat a lot more now! It is a must under the glaring sun!

  • melissa blake July 16, 2013 at 12:41

    Thanks so much for this!!! I’ve always wondered that too!

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living July 16, 2013 at 22:10

      You’re welcome Melissa! SPF and sun protection has been on my mind lately and I’m glad I could share these facts!

  • Punctuation Mark July 16, 2013 at 13:31

    in here protection from the sun is a must… the rays of the sun are soooo strong!

  • Krysten July 16, 2013 at 17:38

    I’ve also found out how important it is to make sure you have EVERYTHING covered…. the tops of your feet, your scalp… even your armpits. I’ve been burned on all those places and it is not fun.

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living July 16, 2013 at 22:11

      Yes! I’ve had burns on the back of my knees and tops of my feet! Everything needs to be covered and applied with sunscreen/sunblock!

  • Johanna July 16, 2013 at 21:38

    I’ve heard that after SPF 50 it really makes no difference what SPF you buy. They are all as effective and that 100 isn’t any better than 50. Weird? Yes. True…I dunno.

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living July 16, 2013 at 22:12

      Johanna, actually it may make sense that there isn’t much of a different between SPF 50 and SPF 100 – like the chart says, the amount of protection isn’t linear. In addition, ALL sunscreen needs to be reapplied after swimming/sweating so SPF 100 means that the sunscreen itself would last twice as long as SPF 50 products. All products wash off so this can’t be true!

  • Lyddiegal July 16, 2013 at 23:11

    I’m usually pretty good about wearing sunscreen and not getting too much sun exposure – but last sunday I went out to brunch and there were no tables indoors so I was outside without sunscreen. I picked a nice spot in the shade, but was then forced to move. Two hours later and my left shoulder and arm are about 10 shades darker than my right 🙁

  • Stacey July 17, 2013 at 18:13

    I always wear sun protection on my face and neck, but need to be more religious about using it all over. It’s definitely a must for the beach though. However, if I’m home Nd chilling outside, I don”t always put it on(must work on that:-))

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living July 17, 2013 at 20:48

      Stacey, I’m not great about wearing sun protection all over either, but should! UVA rays actually can penetrate glass so they are really prevalent!

  • […] – Breaking down sunscreen: What is SPF and how to protect yourself from the sun  […]

  • […] was interested and started researching what SPF means here. But after reading this article, I also learned that it isn’t just about finding a product […]

  • Blond Duck August 7, 2013 at 08:09

    Considering I live in a desert, I know how important SPF is!

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