Beauty Tips: Why your BB cream could leave you with wrinkles and the best sun protection routine

August 6, 2013

Any beauty products (e.g. BB cream, mineral foundation) with SPF protection will protect you from the sun right?


Groannnn.  So my mineral foundation doesn’t actually have SPF 20 protection?

Visor Glamour Italia July 2013 -saved by Chic n Cheap Living

Glamour Italia July 2013

Yes mineral foundations and BB creams do actually have SPF protection as stated.  The problem is that neither actually go on the skin very evenly so you may actually have patches of skin that have more product than other areas.  Many people (including me!) simply slather on their BB creams in morning and may also forget to fully cover their necks as well.   Mineral foundation provides a bit of a physical barrier, but it is composed of dozens of small particles that may still let light seep in; at the end of the day it just does not create as tight a barrier on your skin as one created from a lotion.  Less sun protection = more exposure to wrinkles and harmful cancer causing UVB rays.

I was interested and started researching what SPF means here. But after reading this article, I also learned that it isn’t just about finding a product with SPF protection, but finding and applying the right products with SPF. The FDA is similarly concerned about UV rays and have companies in the US scrambling to relabel and remove SPF claims from their products if they do not provide broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection.

In the meantime, these are the steps I take to really ensure that I am using the right products to protect my skin:

1. Use broad spectrum SPF protection

The SPF on sunscreens technically only refers to the amount of UVB protection.  Look on the label to confirm that it will protect you for UVA and UVB rays. When I go back to France, I am completely loading up on my favorite and effective product – La Roche Posay Anthelios sunscreen (yes it is cheaper there!)

2. Cover your neck
Doctors and dermatologists keep on reminding us not to forget the delicate skin on our necks.  Apply sunblock liberally there!

3. Be careful of uneven coverage

More is more.  While I may tend to load up on my T-zone, I certainly won’t forget to apply a liberal amount of product all over my face!

4. Use a combination of products

Unfortunately, one product isn’t enough for full coverage.

Sun protection routine by Chic n Cheap Living

Based on the article, I would recommend these products in this order:

– Sunblock in a lotion/cream form

I just apply this every morning now after I wash up.  I find that this also gives the product time to seep into my skin as well and I will at least have the minimum of sun protection.

– BB cream

I like using BB Cream as a primer and also to give my skin light coverage.  I’ve heard great things about Garnier Skin Renew Miracle perfector BB Cream (talk about a long name right?) and just purchased it.

– Mineral foundation (optional)

I don’t really have time for this step at all times.  But I do like how my face is less shiny with a few swipes of my trusty Bare Minerals foundation.  Now, this isn’t the only product I have on my face, but it may likely be the last product.

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  • Susannah August 6, 2013 at 05:46

    Great post. I’ve started wearing sunscreen under my make up. It’s such an important step. I found that regular sunscreens make my skin break out or shiny, but I’ve found a good one. It’s Dermalogica medibac clearing spf 30. It’s matte and oil free, so it won’t break you out. It’s is expensive though. I’m looking for a similar, cheaper product, as you’re more likely to be liberal with it, if you’re not breaking the bank in the process 😀

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living August 6, 2013 at 11:36

      Thanks for the recommendation Susannah! You are so right – good sunscreen can be expensive and La Roche Posay and Clarins (my go to products) aren’t cheap either).

  • Cafe Fashionista August 6, 2013 at 08:34

    I don’t wear foundation, and I have never tried BB Cream; but sunscreen…that is my essential! I burn like crazy if I don’t wear it. Plus, it’s the best form of anti-aging protection, so why not? 🙂

  • Sam August 6, 2013 at 08:47

    Excellent post sweety, i always wear sunscreen with bb cream and anything else.

  • Lindsey D. August 6, 2013 at 09:43

    Well now I’m depressed. That’s gonna take a whole extra 2 min in the morning and I just haven’t got that to spare 😉 On a serious note however, I am not prone to breakouts but it seems like putting on sunblock first might clog the ol’ pores, no? I guess you could always buy one for sensitive skin but what a pain. We pay so much for all this junk — why can’t they just get the all in one thing down pat?!?!?

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living August 6, 2013 at 11:39

      Lindsey, I’m totally with you. I thought I’d be set with BB cream or a swipe of mineral foundation, but apparently it’s not enough (and we both live in these perpetually tropical areas!) I like La Roche Posay and Clarins and haven’t broken out too much using them. Susannah above also recommends Dermalogica medibac clearing SPF30 which is oil free. I wish they could get the all in one thing down too!

  • drollgirl August 6, 2013 at 11:40

    well these are good tips! i start with a moisturizer that has protection (allegedly — ha — i never really know what to trust), so i figure that is a good start.

    and so many people forget to protect the neck — myself included. must make a point to do that and hopefully avoid the murphy brown crepey neck!

  • Johanna August 6, 2013 at 13:41

    I never knew the steps on how to apply these products. Great post!

  • lyddiegal August 6, 2013 at 15:12

    I really need to be putting on sunscreen, bbcream, and powder? I can only handle one, at most. I have super oily skin and by the end, or in many cases, middle of the day my makeup is sliding off my face. The more I put on, the more ends up all over my clothes. I need a better solution.

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living August 6, 2013 at 21:00

      Sunscreen is the only sufficient step for sun protection. BB cream and powder are optional to block out more rays and reduce shine (my face needs that!) I’ve seen a new one sunscreen from La Roche Posay which is more of a gel – perhaps that would be a good all in one step? I’ll review it!

  • Krysten August 6, 2013 at 16:37

    My moisturizer has suncreen in it, thank goodness!

  • Kim of A Very Sweet Blog August 6, 2013 at 21:41

    This post is excellent! People often forget that their neck needs coverage too and to check for SPF. My liquid foundation has an SPF of only 20. My primer has an SPF of 20. For some reason I feel I still need more 🙁 HAHAHA

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living August 7, 2013 at 01:42

      I’ve been thinking my sunscreen/foundation doesn’t have a high enough SPF either! I’ve started switching to SPF 30 or 40 and hopefully that should be ok! Yes, no one wants a wobbly, wrinkly neck right?

  • KizzyDoll August 7, 2013 at 07:06

    Super!! I don’t use a BB cream, I used it once and it just went on blotchy and horrible, so I knew my skin wasn’t being protected right. And putting it on your neck is often forgotten. I’m obsessed with putting cream on my neck and hands and feet, places people forget to protect as well. Nothing worse than having a gorgeous youthful looking face, only to have your neck sagging and looking like a turkey’s neck, hahaha!! xxx

    • Chic 'n Cheap Living August 7, 2013 at 10:18

      You are too funny Kizzy and right as well! No one wants to have a young face and a turkey neck, hehe! It is another reminder to use sunscreen!

  • elle sees August 7, 2013 at 11:50

    I def skip the mineral. I dont like it on my skin. I wish I had worn spf as a kid

  • Coco August 7, 2013 at 16:27

    Great post dear! I’ve never entrusted BB creams or foundations my skin protection from Sun. I’m not exposed to Sun rays for more than a few minutes every day, so I apply my Sun lotion under my BB cream only for long walks or sunbathing (rare). Thank you for the useful information!
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