Worthy Reads Roundup – Kirna Zabête at Target, Appreciating the Basics and Beauty Secrets from Marie Claire

August 26, 2012

Hope you had a great week lovelies!

Here is what happened at Chic ‘n Cheap Living the past week:

– Photo Love {Inspiration}: Appreciating the Basics/Primary Colors via Vogue Japan September 2012

– LOTC: Kirna Zabête at Target (Prints and fun accessories please!)

– Travel Log: Escaping the city to Stanley Beach, Stanley Market, Hong Kong

– Sale Spotlight: J. Crew Bright Accessories

– FFF/Fun Finds – Flying Babies by Rachel Hulin

Here are other worthy reads from blogger buddies and beyond:

– Marie Claire shares a few great beauty secrets here.  Brilliant idea: use a clean mascara wand and spray it with hairspray to prep your hair for a perfectly polished undo! (layers are also great, pictured above)

– Have you heard that IKEA is opening up 100 budget friendly hotels in Europe? Would you stay at an IKEA hotel?

– I’ve always been a tea drinker, but will definitely continue drinking now that I know the health benefits (nice roundup here) include better functioning in old age and potentially lowering heart disease (I’ll toast a cup of green tea to that!)

– I first went to Thailand 10 years ago and loved the energy and warmth of Bangkok.  I read this article and would love to see how the city has evolved.

little luxury list

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  • Akaleistar August 26, 2012 at 12:04

    IKEA hotels? How intriguing!

  • Confession Of A City Girl August 26, 2012 at 20:51

    Cool round up!

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    Confessions Of A City Girl

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