So I have happily completed my holiday shopping and even gotten a few birthday presents too (woohoo!). But I’ve been thinking for a while about ways to give back as well. I’m really trying to get my kids to focus less on receiving presents, and more on helping out others. I’m taking my older one to volunteer at a woman’s shelter as well as a soup kitchen this holiday season. Hopefully, she starts to understand more about giving back to the community as well as those in need. So in this spirit, I wanted to share 5 ways to give back this holiday season. Of course, there will be variations depending on your neighborhood. But I hope that this gets you started on thinking about how to spread holiday cheer now and throughout the year.
5 ways to give back this holiday season
1. Volunteer with an organization helping women
While I was never told I could NOT do something, I have become more aware of the challenges and limitations faced by women. I’m acutely aware of this since having a daughter; now I’m even more focused ensuring she has both the opportunities and motivation to reach her goals. Thus, I’ve worked with UN Women for a few years. They’re focused on gender equality and the empowerment of women. Global Fund for Women do similar work in working toward equality as well as aiding victims of violence. Women have come a long way in terms of gender equality, but still have a long way to go in some areas.
2.Work with the critically ill
It’s absolutely heartbreaking how some individuals are hit with devastating diseases at young ages. I lost a childhood friend to lupus when she was 15 years old and a college friend to lymphoma when she was 27 years old. I remember feeling completely inadequate when I was in my friend’s hospital room. I only wanted to make her laugh and keep her company at that time. There are many groups that help these individuals as well as their effected family members. Organizations like Make a Wish make life a little more enjoyable to critically ill kids. Camp Kesem runs free programs for kids of cancer patients giving these kids community and support.
3. Teach Kids
My parents have always instilled in me the importance of a good education. I was fortunate to have their support and the opportunity to attend good schools. It’s not as easy for everyone to have the same support. Sometimes kids just need encouragement from others. I’ve recently been helping UN Women with their Girls2Pioneers program helping to install a love for STEM fields into young girls. But your local school or Boys or Girls Clubs may also need a helping hand. I didn’t realize how lovely it would be working with kids – their enthusiasm and energy is infectious!

4. Give to the underprivileged
NYC alone has 114,000 homeless kids; their lives are remarkably harder than we can imagine at that age. This is simply mind boggling. It’s not something that I gave much thought to previously. But I started working with a few organizations that worked with kids with rough family situations and started to think about this more. Give to a variety of organizations from religious organizations that work with the community to soup kitchens to organizations like Dress for Success that provides business professional outfits for interviews. Things like a hot meal, a welcome ear, and a new set of skills can truly change a person.
5. Donate your time
Time is the one asset that we all posses in limited quantity. While sometimes it may seem to drag along, we will all at some point wish we had more time. But we all have time if we manage it well. While money definitely matters (research the charity and donate), sometimes the organization just needs a few extra pairs of hands. Give your time and see firsthand what a difference you can make.
Thanks for this reminder that the holidays are the perfect time to give back. You just reminded me that I need to bring some coats over to New York Cares. It’s great that you’re teaching your little lady about this at a young age. It will go a long way to helping her appreciate what she has as well as the self enrichment you get from helping others.