Lion King Karen Elson in Dolce Gabbana Alta Moda on sofa shot by Tim walker Love no. 10 FW 13 14 - saved by Chic n Cheap Living

Photo Love {Inspiration}: Lion King shot by Tim Walker for Love #10 FW 13/14

December 16, 2013

“Rise and rise again until lions become lambs.”

Robin Hood

Lion King Edie Campbell and Karen Elson in Dolce Gabbana Alta Moda on ladder shot by Tim walker Love no. 10 FW 13 14 - saved by Chic n Cheap Living Lion King Edie Campbell and Sands films dress on floor shot by Tim walker Love no. 10 FW 13 14 - saved by Chic n Cheap Living Lion King Edie Campbell Angels dress on couch shot by Tim walker Love no. 10 FW 13 14 - saved by Chic n Cheap Living Lion King Karen Elson in Dolce Gabbana Alta Moda on sofa shot by Tim walker Love no. 10 FW 13 14 - saved by Chic n Cheap Living Lion King Karen Elson Sandy Powell dress by piano shot by Tim walker Love no. 10 FW 13 14 - saved by Chic n Cheap LivingLove # 10 FW 13/14

Are you a lion or a lamb?

I think I can be a bit of both.  I’m naturally a bit more shy and reserved.  I am also a private person so I’m not very open because I am also a sensitive person.  I am perfectly fine meeting new people, but it may just take me a while to open up.

But I am also an assertive person when I need to defend myself or am passionate about something.  Perhaps I always had that in me as well because my mother can be a force of nature if the situation arises.  I remember standing in line at a checkout counter at the supermarket recently and a customer was yelling at the cashier.  It was a “Bring your own bag” lane and although there are multiple signs before and at the line, people still march there with their groceries expecting their purchases to be neatly bagged into ubiquitous plastic bags.  This particular customer was irate that he had waited in the (shorter) line only to be told that his groceries would not be bagged.  I thought he was being demeaning and cruel to the cashier and started defending her.  He muttered at me to mind my own business, but stalked off to another line.  Meanwhile, the cashier was relieved to have this unreasonably angry customer move elsewhere.  She also smiles at me now when I see her in the supermarket.

Sometimes, we need to learn to stand up for ourselves or others who may not be able to do it themselves.  We may not all be lions, but we should defend the lambs and we will learn that not all lions have bites that matches their roars.

Have a great week lovelies!

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  • Kizzy @ The Dainty Dolls House December 16, 2013 at 04:26

    This was wonderful doll, I love these photos, they are some of my favourites. And I agree, we do need to be like Lions sometimes and stand up for the lambs or any injustice we may see. Sometimes being the lamb is good too, as we avoid un-needed conflicts when the argument or time is foolish. A balance of both is what is needed in this world!! I hope you have a gorgeous new week doll xxx

    The Dainty Dolls House

  • Kim of A Very Sweet Blog December 16, 2013 at 09:54

    That was awesome of you to stand up for her. I hate customers like that. So belligerent. There’s no need for that. People can be so cruel. Love this photoshoot. I thought it was so soft and yet so powerful. I can be a little of both.

  • Lyddiegal December 16, 2013 at 10:10

    I’m definitely more of a shy person, but I need to work on becoming more assertive. It’s important to believe in yourself and that is where confidence and assertiveness comes from.

    I also am so in awe of these photos and those brave models!

  • Rowena December 16, 2013 at 15:11

    Such a fan of Tim Walker’s work! I think I can be both as well depending on the situation and totally agree with your perspective.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  • Mary Jo December 16, 2013 at 15:37

    I love Tim Walker’s work and these photos, although find myself worrying for the model because I just don’t trust wild animals no matter how domesticated. Anyway, you make such a good point and it’s always important to speak up for those who can’t.

    xo Mary Jo

  • Sam December 18, 2013 at 16:21

    Eep, I think I am more of a lamb…amazingly creative photo shoot. Thanks kindly for stopping by, hope your week is going well!

  • Coco December 19, 2013 at 13:44

    It depends on the days. Mainly a lion though 🙂 big hugs
    Coco et La vie en rose
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