National Geographic best pictures of 2016 photo by Ami Vitale

FFF – National Geographic best pictures of 2016 and new year beginnings

January 6, 2017

Happy Fun, Free Friday lovelies!

National Geographic Best Pictures of 2016

What were some of your favorite pictures last year? I took quite a few pictures, but most of them are of my daughter.  I have a few favorite pictures of her frolicking around the beach in the Maldives.  Some of my favorite shots also include scenes in San Francisco – I adore the architecture there.  Since I’m an amateur photographer, I appreciate seeing and learning from photographs as well.  I included these shots of the National Geographic best pictures of 2016 because they reminded me of what I would love to capture – stunning natural scenery, animals in their element, and beautiful architecture.  Hopefully, I’m able to witness all of these this year!
National Geographic best pictures of 2016 photo by Aaron Huey National Geographic best pictures of 2016 photo by Ami Vitale

National Geographic best pictures of 2016 photo by Nick Cobbing National Geographic best pictures of 2016 photo by Randy Olson National Geographic best pictures of 2016 photo by Thomas S. Peschak

Otherwise, this weekend I am…

…easing into the new year.  We are finally taking down the Christmas decorations.  My husband couldn’t bear taking it down last weekend so I agreed to keep it up another few days.  I’m also making some wonton and dumplings for Lunar New Year.  I love filling up the freezer with treats i can snack on later!

What are you up to this weekend?

Have a lovely weekend!

little luxury list

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  • KizzyDoll January 6, 2017 at 06:02

    Those pictures are amazing!! so so cool :))) I need to take down my decorations as well, been so busy that I forgot, haha!! but, you just reminded me, so i must get it down and get my house back in order!! have a wonderful weekend xx

  • January 6, 2017 at 08:23

    I love this annual post from national geographic! Just dazzling!

  • A Very Sweet Blog January 6, 2017 at 13:57

    National Geographic always takes stunning pictures! Love these. I took down my Christmas wreath! LOL I put up my Mardi Gras one. That is the next holiday here. Mardi Gras & Valentine’s day. The food you’re having for CNY/Lunar Year sounds delicious.

  • Akaleistar January 8, 2017 at 19:00

    Those pictures are beautiful! Love the panda portrait 🙂

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